Mozilla unveils alternative Flash Player

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It is clear that the year 2015 did not start well for the company Adobe and famous Flash Player for the program, as revealed Mozilla Foundation "Shumway" which will be incorporated in Mtcefha Firefox and would be an alternative to the Flash Player, where Mozilla started its first tests of this new tool.
Since the beginning of the year Adobe has suffered from a number of problems where the most important of the various loopholes that threatened the media player Flash Player in addition to abandon YouTube him in favor of HTML5 and now formula role came on the Mozilla Foundation's browser Firefox to abandon Flash Player and adoption Shumway.
And Mozilla has begun the first tests on Shumway tool and that Flash Player will compensate for reading videos flash format as it will allow the transfer of data from the type .swf to completely HTML5 version also has YouTube so, and tests will be limited to a few sites as Amazon and the new program will work on Windows Vista and Mac OS X systems and only browser nightly builds.
And it is not known when Mozilla will officially integrating Shumway in the browser Mozilla Firefox

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Mozilla unveils alternative Flash Player
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