Learn program used by NSA in order to control all the world's computers

تعرف على البرنامج الذي تستعمله NSA من أجل التحكم في جميع حواسيب العالم !

It seems that the scandals of the National Security Agency US "NSA" is still ongoing, after the secrets revealed by the former client Edward Snowden and which refers to the adoption of the Americans for a number of comprehensive programs to spy as "PRISM" whether individuals or nations, it seems that it has become more complicated than it was think.
And news agency World "Reuters" has revealed that the National Security Agency US NSA has to hide spy software directly in their own computers, hard drives, and in order to enable them to monitor and spy on all computers, where it was the integration of this secret program in the largest number of computers across the world and is what raises the hypothesis of "complicity" Almusenaian.
The new discovery carried out by Russian security company laboratories known as "Kaspersky" and a few days to discover the serious attack that targeted hundreds of banks across the world after, and by the Russian company experts, the new spy program was Dsh in the program Althabut "firmware" your hard disks for computers manufactured by three of the world's largest companies in this field are: Toshiba, Western Digital and Seagate.
According to some niche sites as "Engadget" this program spy sophisticated and complex, and can perform a number of roles, including research between user data and can connect in touch with the American security authorities exclusive conquering him and without the user's knowledge and it is very difficult to determine.
Although the Kaspersky did not indict directly to America or agency NSA but glimpsed so when indicated that the responsible for this spy program is himself responsible for the "Stuxnet" which is known virus and that the US National Security Agency is responsible for it and is affirmed by former customers NSA.

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Learn program used by NSA in order to control all the world's computers
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