Sony smart glasses "SmartEyeglass" finally available

نظارات سوني الذكية " SmartEyeglass  " متوفرة أخيرا

Without a doubt, a large number of those who follow the new wearable devices technology and smart glasses especially, they were during the last period eagerly awaiting the launch of Google's new innovation "Google Glass" officially, but Google reneged on deadline and returned to its project steps backward making other enterprises take the lead.
Japanese company "Sony" and that have already and that made smart spectacles of the new "SmartEyeglass" announced that it has moved to a new stage through the availability of this "e-jewel" for users in the special offer for pre-order, where Sony announced the start of its demo "Developper Edition" starting from March 10 next year.
And will be Sony's new glasses SmartEyeglass smart glasses of reality enhanced, and the Japanese company has unveiled a new concept and capable of turning any ordinary pair of smart glasses and during the events of CES 2015 last January, but the new offer includes only the smart glasses SmartEyeglass.
The new offer from Sony to pre-request and your b SmartEyeglass will begin on March 10 next and Sém initially both from Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany for a price would estimate at $ 840 and is less than what Google proposed, for example, smart Google Glass for spectacles where bypass for it in the context of its demo $ 1500.

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Sony smart glasses "SmartEyeglass" finally available
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