Impress your friends on Facebook this wonderful trick

Knew yesterday, Facebook and widespread to a landfill carried out by a group of people, including some friends of course, which will create some puzzlement among some, especially given that the trick is related to one very famous Moroccan news sites, which of course Hsebres electronic newspaper. In this post Snarafkm this trick with a way to do it as well as to work in the mold of your friends.

 ‫ابهر أصدقائك على الفيسبوك بهذه الخدعة الرائعة‬‎

 The trick is to write a short essay on the grounds that publication on the newspaper Hsebres e-mail, and therefore when you share the article link with your friend will think that the problem mentioned in the news site famous without his knowledge .tava site that allows you to do the trick would be quite similar location Hsebres, and the trick all domain shown on the site (hesspreess) which is similar to the scope of the original site Hespress name, which may not pay attention to him some.
As an example here: This plot was his hero brother and dear Lance Aekroda:
article link


   To do the trick you click on this link, then you enter information about your friend that you want to joke with him:-1


   Then you insert a picture of your friend Link:0


   Then the last stage before you choose your article that you want:0


   After that you will need to log on to one of the site accounts in social networking sites.0

  And as an end result, you can copy the link, and share it with your friend on Facebook or in one of the other social networking sites


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