Learn Killer USB capable of destroying any computer!

تعرف على Killer USB القادرة على تدمير أي حاسوب !

There is no doubt that a lot of things that may seem strange in the digital world, or as part of a science fiction movies now become a reality, and as an example that can hackers remote to destroy computer a user, and it seems that this is no longer impossible after today .
Site "The Hacker News" pointed out that one of the Russian researchers, who nicknamed "Dark Purple" has made the discovery of a new and exciting concept of innovation can Lexar USB "fatal" where it is able to destroy the user who is connected to a computer, and this researcher works Russian in manufacturing electronics company.


 Russian researcher Dark Purple, and in order to accomplish his creation and of "Killer USB" The request plates electronic circuits specially from China and succeeded in doing so as the Lexar USB operate simple principle and is that it passes the electric power exceeding 110 volts, causing the destruction of components sensitive computer.
And bring this innovation to mind Stuxnet computer worm, which was designed by the National Security Agency NSA to destroy the property and sensitive nuclear Iran remotely.

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Learn Killer USB capable of destroying any computer!
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