Network recently Show Videos "Dailymotion" launched a distinctive platform, especially watching videos electronic games that broadcast a special video clips of games under the name "Dailymotion Games".And said "Dailymotion" like platform Videos Show "YouTube" as a dedicated its new platform for gamers even enjoy watching the videos games of various kinds, as it will allow them to live video
The new platform has been launched on the following link ( in addition to its presence on several Android applications and IOS devices and the "PlayStation 4", and noted "Dailymotion" that the new network will feature content from the games provided by Publishers people with follow-up rate as high as IGN and Gamespot and Millenium and others.It seems clear from the platform launched Dailymotion network they are trying to earn a targeted audience to their advantage, especially the famous "YouTube" platform has attracted the follow-up and attention to all who want to watch different videos on the Internet that, reneged "Dailymotion" discriminatory content on its new platform, which will be able to gamers to watch videos for games only
Learn web videos new electronic games that launched Dailymotion
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