How to add a secret options for your page on Facebook as change the page name more than once

كيف تضيف خيارات سرية لصفحتك على الفيسبوك كتغير إسم الصفحة اكثر من مرة

Hello dear to you in a new lesson for the day, in the episode I'll show you today not appear to regular users of Facebook pages options, for example change your name more than once, to communicate directly with the Department of Facebook and get a quick response in less than 24 hours. Your link on Facebook more than once, documenting the page ... and many other options that leave you to discover for yourself in the ring today, Gap enjoyable as well as change and we Atbkhaloa Bchjaatkm


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How to add a secret options for your page on Facebook as change the page name more than once
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